Using your Education Benefit at FAU
Students Utilizing VA Education Benefit
Wait 30 days
Thirty days before classes begin, visit our website to submit your “Semester VA Enrollment certification Request Form”. Repeat this step with each semester you wish to utilize your VA Education Benefit.
What Happens Next?
We accept or reject your submitted request (if the form is not accurately completed or missing required documents).
If Accepted, you will receive an email stating the request is in queue to be certified to VA. Email Subject: “VA Enrollment Certification Request has been Accepted and is
In Queue for Certification.”(processed first in first out, and it can take up to 30 days
with the MVSSC office).
- A deferment is applied to your account for the semester.
- You will receive an email from the U.S Department of Veterans Affairs, with the subject " Enrollment Manager – Record submitted by certifying official” that the semester enrollment certification to VA has been submitted by our office.
- Review the enrollment detail section to ensure your semester start and end dates and credit hours enrolled are accurately reported to VA.
If rejected – a rejection notification to your FAU email is will be sent to the student including the reason for the rejection. Students can correct issues on their submitted forms the by clinking on the link at the
bottom of the rejection email.
- A deferment is applied to your account for the semester.
Sign up for the Side -X- Side Career Readiness Program.
Join the Mil & Vets student organization on campus - Veteran Owls
Check out the FAQs page for any question you may have, or contact us at or 561-297-4725 Note: When contacting our office by email, make sure to share your Z# and use ONLY your FAU email